"Golden Flowers for Little Dragon," illustrated by Gareth Jones, supports children preparing for or coping with the death of a sibling. The Book Guild, October 2021.
It is a story of love and grief as two dragon siblings, Tan and Dewi, come to terms with the loss of their younger brother.
With thanks to public funding from the National Lottery through Arts Council England for making this project possible.
"Blodau Aur i Dreigyn," a Welsh edition of the book will also be published by the Book Guild, 2021. With thanks to Swansea Bay University Health Board Children's Services and Wendy Bartlett, Owner of Med Team Recruitment and founder of Swansea Bay Community Knitters, Crocheters and Crafters for supporting the publication of the Welsh edition.
It is a story of love and grief as two dragon siblings, Tan and Dewi, come to terms with the loss of their younger brother.
With thanks to public funding from the National Lottery through Arts Council England for making this project possible.
"Blodau Aur i Dreigyn," a Welsh edition of the book will also be published by the Book Guild, 2021. With thanks to Swansea Bay University Health Board Children's Services and Wendy Bartlett, Owner of Med Team Recruitment and founder of Swansea Bay Community Knitters, Crocheters and Crafters for supporting the publication of the Welsh edition.
Families often seek help from professionals around how to talk to other children when they are caring for a life limited child.
Stories are key to gently helping families understand and explore difficult topics together. This beautifully written story gently explores the most difficult of topics, the death of a sibling. It is clearly structured, allowing children to recognise themselves and their brother or sister at different times through expected death, immediate bereavement and into the future. The acknowledgment that it is ok to both be sad and to enjoy life as it unravels in the future is a lovely supportive message to share."
I look forward to recommending this story to families in the future and only wish it had been around for many families in the past."
From Dr Jo Griffiths Consultant in Paediatric Palliative Medicine & Community Child Health All Wales Managed Clinical Network & Swansea Bay University Health